An illustration with a book that says Improve your Dutch vocabulary, a hand holding a pen, an ear and a talking mouth.

Tips for Learning Dutch Vocabulary

Learning the Dutch language can be challenging, especially when it comes to building a strong vocabulary. However, with the right techniques and tools, anyone can improve their Dutch vocabulary skills. Here are some tips for learning Dutch vocabulary effectively.

A man studying to improve his Dutch Reading Skills by Nt2Oefening

Dutch Reading Skills Tips for the Civic Integration Exam

The Civic Integration Exam, also known as the Inburgeringsexamen, is a comprehensive test of your Dutch language proficiency, knowledge of Dutch society, and understanding of the Dutch legal system. One of the key components of the exam is a reading comprehension test, which requires you to read and understand texts...

A woman study for Civic Integration Exam B1 by listening

Civic Integration Exam B1

The Civic Integration Exam (Inburgeringsexamen) is a test that non-Dutch citizens must take in order to obtain Dutch citizenship or a long-term visa. The exam is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of the candidate in areas such as language proficiency, Dutch society, and the Dutch legal system.