A student in the Dutch Integration Exams

Dutch Integration Exams: How to Self-Study?

Unlocking Dutch Integration success! Non-EU citizens pursuing Dutch nationality face the Inburgeringsexamen. Master self-study with tips on setting goals, practice tests, language skills, and staying motivated. Your path to integration starts here.

two girls are sitting on the road talking to each other

Code-Switching by Expat Children

Code-switching is a remarkable linguistic phenomenon exhibited by expat children, enabling them to seamlessly navigate diverse cultures and languages. By embracing code-switching, these children develop invaluable language skills, cultural awareness, and a balanced sense of identity. As expat families embark on their Dutch language journey, Nt2 Oefening stands ready to...

nt2 oefening official website online inburbering oefening dashboard image

Online Testing in Language

Online testing allows for greater flexibility in terms of test administration. With in-person testing, there are often strict time limits and scheduling constraints.